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Abstract Portal Sign In

Thank you for your interest in submitting an abstract for the BCCA 2024. The contribution of presenters is critical and we value your input greatly. If you have not yet submitted an abstract, please create a new account below. If you have submitted an abstract for last year's BCCA meeting, you can log in using the same details. If you do have an account, please check your details and update any information that has changed. The BCCA 2024 will feature four separate abstract submission streams – BCCA, PECSIG, BACCNA and CCNA. Participants are invited to submit abstracts of original work to be selected for either poster or oral presentations. The abstract should describe new work developed by the participants and should not include studies commissioned by or performed for an external agency. Our intention is to inspire participants to communicate new findings and original observations and posters should, therefore, not have been previously displayed at other meetings.


The abstract should provide a succinct overview of the main aims and objectives of the presentation, relating to research projects, quality improvement projects, clinical projects, presentation about health and wellbeing interventions, case studies, literature reviews.


If any participant would like to submit an abstract but is not sure whether their work fulfils these conditions, please e-mail ellie@cfsevents.co.uk and ask for clarification.


Deadline: Midnight on Sunday 8th September 2024.


Every abstract will be peer-reviewed by the BCCA 2024 committee and may be selected for oral or poster presentation. You will be told whether your abstract has been selected no later than 2 weeks after the abstract deadline. Final presentation of accepted abstracts will require registration of at least one author for the meeting. We recommend registering as soon as you plan to submit an abstract to ensure you have a space at the meeting.


For more information on the BCCA 2024 please follow this link.


If you have any questions regarding your submission, please email ellie@cfsevents.co.uk.


Ellie Cope

CFS Events Ltd



+44 (0) 1438 751519



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