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Abstract Portal Sign In

Please sign into the Abstract Portal with your account email address and password. If you have not yet submitted an abstract, please create a new account below.

If you have any questions regarding your submission, please email: lucy@cfsevents.co.uk. The contribution of research is critical and we value your input greatly. We welcome abstracts on:

Improving Family or Staff Experience 

Includes descriptions of projects or interventions with the aim of improving the neonatal experience for families or staff.

Quality Improvement (Including formal QI projects, audits, service evaluations, service developments, surveys)

Includes QI initiatives, service developments, QI literature synthesis and meta-analysis, innovation in healthcare, comparative effectiveness research. A stand-alone audit is considered to be of low significance unless it has generated change which on re-audit can be shown to have shown sustained improvement in care.

Case studies (including case reports and small case series) 

These describe instances of interesting phenomena. The goal is to make people aware of the possibility that this phenomenon might occur, and may include previously unknown or emerging pathologies, or complication of a therapy/intervention. 

Research (RCTs / Cohort Studies / Case Control Studies /Observation / Qualitative Data) 

Includes meta-analyses, systematic reviews, randomised controlled trials, cohort or case control studies, in vitro or animal research, observational research.

Abstract Submission Deadline: Tuesday 7th January 2025 at 11:59pm

Successful/unsuccessful abstracts will be announced w/c 3rd February 2025.

Every abstract will be peer-reviewed by reviewers and may be selected for oral presentation or poster presentation. Final presentation of accepted abstracts will require registration of at least one author for the 'BAPM Spring Conference 2025: Learning Together' (in-person or virtually depending on the successful abstract)

For further information on abstract preparation and the marking scheme please follow this link.

If you have any questions regarding your submission, please get in contact using the details below. 


Lucy Henderson

CFS Events Ltd

+44 (0) 1438 751519




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